Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Malorie comes to Oklahoma

Malorie Tagle is staying with us this week. She is Hope's (Romeo's sister) 4 year old daughter. She has done a terrific job. I thought she would be homesick being so far from mom but she told me when we FINALLY got home, "This is my home now, I like this place." She stays by my side most of the time. She likes watching me cook dinner. We stopped at Texas Roadhouse in Wichita Falls on the way home and she had decided that she wasn't going to eat. We told her that this is the only thing we will be eating until breakfast the next morning. She decided "ok, I'll eat 1 green bean." So she did. When we got home, of course, she decided she was hungry. We stuck to our ground and made her wait. Breakfast rolls around and SHE IS HUNGRY. She eats all her breakfast and lunch comes around, she told me "I am going to eat all my plate today." We had her favorite - ravioli, mac' n' cheese, and not-no-favorite green beans. She wanted seconds of ravioli but she hadn't touched her green beans. Nia was already on her second round of ravioli and Malorie got a little worried. She said "Nia, are you going to be full?" Nia said "no" so Malorie went crazy on those green beans. And this is way we have gave her a nickname. """"""""CHIPMUNK """"""" Although she stuffed those green beans in her mouth, that's as far as they went. She stored them in her cheeks for a LONG time. I finally told her that she wasn't going to get more ravioli if she didn't swallow. She finally did. We have really enjoyed having her. She obeys very well. No complaining at bed time. No complaining when picking up the toys. She sings a song as she cleans and encourages Nia & Ian to clean too. We always read the Bible to the kids before they go to bed and she wanted to read about the giant. "David & Goliath". We read several stories out of the Bible and then she wanted to read "Are you my mother". It's about a baby bird trying to find it's mom. She apparently has the book at home because she told all the parts of the story before I got to it. It was so cute. Hope, thank you SOOOO much for trusting us with your precious child. She told me just now "I love you, Amy". She is so special to us!!!! THANKS for sharing her with us. Love you, Amy

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