Nia came up with a spot on her chest and she said the cat scratched her. It has since gotten bigger and looks to us like a ring worm so we have been treating it as such (the biggest spot in the middle that looks different than all the rest). However, in the last couple of days she has run fever constantly, had severe headaches, and more spots are developing on her neck/chest area. We looked online at the look of chicken pox and it is identical. She only has 10 spots though and it has been 2 days since the other spots came up. She is up-to-date on all her shots. Not sure what to think!!?
It doesn't look like what I remember Chicken Pox looking like but it could be. See the doctor. Mom
I have no idea if it is chicken pox or not. But my two oldest had the vaccine, while I have not given the chicken pox vaccine to the younger ones. They ALL got chicken pox two years ago, the oldest two just had fewer spots than the younger ones. Get it checked out.
The doctor said she wasn't sure but to keep her out of school for a couple days and to watch for additional spots. The severe headaches she thought may be due to withdrawals from caffeine - tea (her favorite) or they could be migraines. The doctor also checked Ian and saw spots like chicken pox on the back of his throat but only 2 small spots on his body. The larger spot on Nia's chest is definitely a ring worm.
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