Thursday, October 22, 2009

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!!

If you are new to my family, you might not understand why this is such a big no no! Our other two are 7 & 5 and STILL sucking there thumbs! If anyone has any recommendations on how to get them to quit, please make a comment! The agony and torture we have all gone through!!! No way we will allow Kodah to follow in their footsteps! It's cute right now but not for long!!!


Jackson4 said...

Girl, I went through this with Judah. Since Audrey sucked her fingers I wasn't going to let Judah either (although he wanted to!). I just found a pacifier that he liked and would take and kept shoving it in his mouth everytime he tried to put his fingers in it. My thinking was, we can take the pacifier away, but can't take the fingers away. Well, he's 3 now and still uses the pacifier to go to sleep. I know I can just take it away, but am not up for the terrible nights while he gets used to going to sleep without it. I guess I just need to suck it up and do it (haha, suck it up!) I feel for you though!!

Anonymous said...

When you find out the secret let me know. I keep telling Janci that she is going to suck her thumb right off... She looks down and says, "No, mom its still there!" But, you have to admit it makes for really content babies! And you never have to worry about missing pacifers! Some day I am sure it will pass......
