Monday, September 8, 2008

Knock Her Out!

Last night during family devotions we read about the Good Samaritan and then at Nia's request, we acted it out. We had different parts being: the robbers who beat up the man, the man who gets beat up and robbed, the Good Samaritan, the donkey, the innkeeper, the priest & levite who passed by on the other side of the road. The first time we played, Nia was the man who got beat up and I was the one who beat her up. Ian , our 3 year old, saw this and decided he didn't want to be the Good Samaritan anymore, he wanted to, in his words, "knock her out". We got such a kick out of that. We played three times with everyone getting a chance to play each part. Romeo was a great donkey that everyone wanted to ride, Nia was good at getting beat up, Ian was a good robber. All-in-all that is one parable my kids won't ever forget!!

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