Thursday, January 22, 2009


I am a big fan of Goodwill stores. I buy a lot of mine and the kids clothes there. We have looked for Romeo but have rarely been successful. Yesterday I cleaned out the kids drawers, removing the clothes that they had outgrown. Nia, the poor child, is in desperate need of clothes. The problem is she does not fit a normal pant. What fits at the waist does not fit in length. And with the style of pants being "below the waist" it's tough to find a pair that stays at her waist - like they are supposed too. Okay, I got off track a little.

Back to Goodwill : )

There are cons to going to Goodwill for clothes. You need to have time and patience. Looking through every single article of clothing looking for the appropriate size is time consuming. Most times I spend at least an hour and that's only if I am looking for 1 person. And, since the clothes have been wore before, they have been washed & dried many times and some have shrunk so you really can't count on the size to fit like you would a new item. It does get a little frustrating. But, I will go through all of that for the great prices. You can really find treasures in there.

We went today, after a day with friends at the park, intending to find some much needed clothes for Nia. We found a couple clothes and then the kids saw 2 scooters hiding under a table. When they play outside with the neighbor kids, my kids are always on their scooters, and the other kids are climbing our trees. Nia has been asking for one for some time now. Sooo... I gave in to the $5/each price tag.

To see videos of the kids riding their scooters go here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy - Goodwill is my friend too! I buy 95% of our clothes there. And books..oh my, our library is full of 49 cent books.